Our Story

Southdown Chartered Surveyors and Building Consultants have the ability to offer the professional support whenever, wherever and however required, in both residential and commercial property sectors.

Founded in 2006 by Matthew Symmonds BSc (Hons) MRICS, the practice has been developed using extensive experience and knowledge gained from working within some of London’s largest surveying firms, fused with a friendly, approachable manner.

The practice has organically grown in the years since establishment, and is now comfortably based in a characterful building in Dittons Business Park, Polegate; conveniently located to access Brighton, Uckfield, BexhillHastings and areas throughout East Sussex and West Sussex.

We pride ourselves on our down to earth approach; always having time to discuss our client’s concerns. We understand that in property and construction projects, individual’s needs are often specific and therefore we aim to offer a bespoke service, providing the various expertise you need, at the various stages you require them. We are regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ( which means you can be assured of service from professionals who are educated to maintaining high standards in the public interest.

Whether you are looking at buying property, considering refurbishment works, require a new Block Management company, or perhaps require specific building defect or Party Wall advice, we have a qualified team able to assist you.

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Kind Words...

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We have recently completed a Major Works project on our block of flats with Southdown Surveyors. I am happy to advise that the whole process has been painless and successful.

The project commenced and continued with appropriate advice and guidance; from beginning to end. Progress meetings were frequent and helpful. The contractors work was appropriately inspected/supervised throughout and the scaffolding was down within days of contract completion. 

My previous experiences with major works projects were not happy ones with poor quality work, inadequate supervision and poor surveyor/contractor relationships and massive delays with scaffolding removals. 

On this occasion my fellow Directors and I felt we were fully consulted and advised on options and outcomes and delighted that we came in within a few pounds over budget.

I have no hesitation in highly recommending Southdown Surveyors for Major Works projects.     

Director of local building